Casino Ship In Batam

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Your health and safety are of paramount importance to us. In view of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented measures to protect the wellbeing of our passengers and staff.

We have streamlined our operating schedule to enable better focus of resources on prevention of disease transmission; reduced the seating capacity of our ferries to provide social distancing; carried out thorough disinfection of our ferries after every trip and regular disinfection of our counters.

  1. The New Paper on Sunday understands that it is the only casino ship left now. Another one, the MV Long Jie, figuratively ran aground in 2011, a year after the integrated resorts (IRs) - Resorts.
  2. As a casino ship, she was one of at least three casino ships (Long Jie (formerly Omar), Royale Star) operating off Batam. Following the opening of the two legal land casinos in Singapore, ship casinos' business suffered badly. As a result, all the casino ships closed down except for MV Leisure World.
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We are constantly monitoring the development of the situation locally, regionally and globally and stand ready to return to normal operations at the soonest opportunity.

Casino Ship In Batam Hari

Our team with full knowledge of the local and regional travel restriction, is ready to provide any assistance pertaining your travel queries.

We seek your patience and understanding.

Kesehatan dan keselamatan anda adalah prioritas utama kami. Untuk menyikapi pandemi COVID-19, kami telah menerapkan kebijakan-kebijakan untuk melindungi kesejahteraan penumpang dan karyawan kami.

Casino Ship In Batam Singapore

Kami telah mengkonsolidasikan jadwal operasional untuk dapat menfokuskan pada pencegahan penularan penyakit; membatasi kapasitas kursi feri untuk memastikan adanya jarak aman antar penumpang satu dengan lainnya; melakukan desinfeksi menyeluruh pada feri kami di setiap perjalanan dan juga desinfeksi pada counter pelabuhan kami.

Kami akan terus memantau perkembangan situasi lokal, regional dan global untuk mempersiapkan diri agar bisa kembali beroperasi normal secepatnya saat kondisi memungkinkan.

Casino Cruise Batam

Tim kami dengan pemahaman yang komprehensif mengenai larangan perjalanan lokal dan regional siap untuk membantu anda jika ada pertanyaan mengenai perjalanan anda.

Kami mohon kesabaran dan pengertian anda semua.

Casino Ship In Batam Greece
