Can I Stop Gambling Cold Turkey

Posted on by admin
Hi. I'm new to the forum and joining because my 'gambling for fun' over the past 25 years has taken an ugly turn the past two years. When it was for fun, it was just a nice break now and then, sometimes with a friend, occasionally on my own. I spent no more than $50 every few months. I'd buy a Scratch & Win ticket as my treat or place a small ( no more than $10 bet) on sports occasionally. It added fun to the game. I might have spent $200 per year which I could well afford.
  1. Alcoholism can be a deadly disease, and it can be particularly deadly if a severe alcoholic attempts to stop drinking cold turkey. Alcohol is a drug that is addictive both mentally and physically. If an individual has been physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol for some time, quitting cold turkey can be extremely dangerous and can.
  2. That can lead to intense dehydration, which can put strain on the kidneys. This can also be life-threatening. While a cold-turkey approach might seem effective, and it certainly is quick, it clearly isn’t right for every person and every addiction. Weed is another drug that shouldn’t be considered ideal for cold-turkey methods.
Generally speaking, I'm very good with money and not wasteful. If I put some money in a slot machine now and then and got some playing time, I walked away relaxed and happy.
However, things changed and this past year I've realized my once upon a time pastime has become an addiction which has held a lot of power over me lately and is stealing my time away and losing me more money than I can afford. Last year I spent about $2,500 on gambling, and this year I've already
spent about $1,500. Where will this lead? No place good, I'm sure.
Recently, I won $425 at the slots at the casino and can't believe I gambled it all away. How foolish! I also spend too much on the Scratch & Lose tickets now too. I don't do much sports gambling though.

Unlike other addictions, gambling has no physical addiction - except endorphin release, which may be replaced with a healthy exercise routine along a healthy diet and another hobby - so, it;s actually better to do it that way.

Anyhow, this has escalated to where I'm doing online gambling which has cost me lots of money and just leaves me frustrated and even angry at myself and the whole gambling system.
I don't have any dependants so I don't have guilt over cheating anyone financially. I have to quit though because I can see where this is heading. I'm going to end up poor if I don't stop this gambling.
So, my first step is coming to this forum to confess and tell you all I aim to stop cold turkey. Now!
I plan to fill my time with more useful things like phoning people I owe phone calls to, spring cleaning my place, exercise and spiritual devotions.
I'm hopeful because I'm not in too deep at this point... have no debts, still have a nice retirement fund. The other day I got to the point where I wondered if I should cut back on supporting my two World Vision children. The only thing that caused this awful thought was wanting to free up more money for gambling. Can you imagine? Sinking so low as to take money out of a hungry child's mouth so that I can play slots! That really woke me up to the fact that this is an addiction.
I miss my playing for fun days, but I'm not there anymore, so must stop totally.
Will let you know later how I'm doing.
Thanks for listening to my story. I wish you well in your quest for freedom from addiction.

Can I Stop Gambling Cold Turkey Without

Alcoholism can be a deadly disease, and it can be particularly deadly if a severe alcoholic attempts to stop drinking cold turkey. Alcohol is a drug that is addictive both mentally and physically. If an individual has been physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol for some time, quitting cold turkey can be extremely dangerous and can even be fatal. For this reason, a person should never attempt to quit drinking alcohol cold turkey.

Since alcohol is a legal substance, many people find it surprising to learn that if they are in the habit of drinking heavily, they can’t simply quit any time they want. Discontinuing the use of alcohol abruptly can cause the body to experience extremely unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening, and can include seizures, hallucinations and possibly even death.

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Why Do People Experience Withdrawal Symptoms When They Quit Drinking?

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. It slows brain function and the way nerves work, which is why people may feel like it calms them down and relieves feelings of agitation and anxiety. When an individual drinks to excess, this depressant effect can cause them to experience slurred speech, declining ability to concentrate and a reduced ability to think clearly.

The more heavily and frequently they drink, the more difficult it is for their body to adjust to no longer having this depressant in their system. Their brain becomes out of balance and hyperactive. Their heart rate and body temperature rise, and they experience withdrawal symptoms.

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

If an individual is physically dependent on alcohol, they are likely to begin to experience overpowering withdrawal symptoms within a few hours of the last drink. Withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Irritability
  • Nervousness or agitation
  • Mood swings
  • Restlessness
  • Tremor of the hands
  • Shaky, clammy skin
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia

Severe Symptoms

Can I Stop Gambling Cold Turkey

Can I Stop Gambling Cold Turkey Trot

A person who has been drinking heavily on a long-term basis who quits alcohol abruptly may experience even more serious withdrawal symptoms. Quitting cold turkey may lead to a very serious form of alcohol withdrawal called delirium tremens, or the DTs. This form of withdrawal is a medical emergency, and it has a high mortality rate.

Can U Stop Gambling Cold Turkey

Symptoms of delirium tremens usually develop one to four days after withdrawal begins. These symptoms may include:

  • High fever
  • Hallucinations, which includes seeing or hearing things that aren’t there
  • Sense of impending doom
  • Disorientation
  • Seizures
  • Deep sleep

A person who has DTs is at risk of physical injury during seizures. Other complications may develop, such as a reduced ability of the pancreas to produce insulin or cardiac problems, which could lead to sudden death. Low phosphate levels can cause the alcoholic to stop breathing, experience muscle weakness or go into a coma.

Can You Stop Gambling Cold Turkey

Medical Supervision During Withdrawal

Because of the possibility of severe or even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms during withdrawal from alcohol, a person who has been drinking habitually should go to an inpatient rehabilitation center for professional supervision and assistance during detoxification. This is especially important if there has been long-term alcohol abuse or previous experiences with DTs.

In an impatient treatment facility, medical professionals can monitor withdrawal symptoms and ease their intensity. A severe alcoholic is able to be in a safe place where there is no temptation or opportunity to pick up alcohol to reverse withdrawal symptoms.

Can I Stop Gambling Cold Turkeys

Once the worst phase of withdrawal has passed, the alcoholic is able to obtain support and intervention for cravings and any physical or emotional symptoms that occur in the early days and weeks of recovery. Trying to go cold turkey is never a good idea. It’s possible to recover from severe alcoholism, and successful long-term recovery is more likely when treatment is obtained in a safe and supportive environment.