Amalienborg Slot Wiki

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Amalienborg in het stadsdeel Frederiksstaden te Kopenhagen is de residentie van de Deense vorstin Margrethe II van Denemarken en haar twee zonen Frederik en Joachim met hun families. De gebouwen dateren van omstreeks 1750. Sinds 1794 wordt het paleis gebruikt als koninklijke residentie. 아말리엔보르 성(덴마크어: Amalienborg Slot)은 덴마크 왕실의 동절기 전용 궁전으로 수도인 코펜하겐에 위치하고 있다. 4개의 주건물과 함께 로코코 양식으로 주를 이룬 내부로 이뤄져 있다. 주변의 8각형 모양을 띤 정원도 빼놓을 수 없는 곳이다. Amalienborg Palace — Amalienborg seen from the Copenhagen Operahouse. The domed structure in the centre is the Frederik s Church, and not part of the palace. General information Wikipedia.

  • Sinds 1838 is het stadspaleis als cultuurhistorisch Museum Rosenborg open voor het publiek. Het herbergt een deel van de Kongernes Samling, de collectie van de koningen (het andere deel bevindt zich in het koninklijk paleis Amalienborg).
  • Amalienborg is the home of the Danish royal family, and is located in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Residence of Danish royal family in Copenhagen.

Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors. 2013.

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Amalienborg slot wikipedia
  • Amalienborg Palace — Amalienborg seen from the Copenhagen Operahouse. The domed structure in the centre is the Frederik s Church, and not part of the palace. General information … Wikipedia

  • Amalienborg — ▪ architectural complex, Copenhagen, Denmark residential square in Copenhagen, Den., built during the reign (1746–66) of King Frederick V (Frederick V) and comprising four mansions and the octagonal courtyard surrounded by them. The complex … Universalium

  • Amalienborg — Le palais d Amalienborg vu depuis l Opéra de Copenhague … Wikipédia en Français

  • Christiansborg Palace (2nd) — Second Christiansborg Palace The second Christiansborg Palace, view across the show grounds General information Architectural style Neoclassical … Wikipedia

  • Marselisborg Palace — Marselisborg Palace. Marselisborg Palace. Marselisbor … Wikipedia

  • Christiansborg Palace — For the castle in Ghana known as Fort Christiansborg, see Osu Castle. Christiansborg Palace Christiansborg Slot Christiansborg Palace from above … Wikipedia

  • Brockdorff's Palace — is one of the four palaces of Amalienborg in Copenhagen. It was built 1750 1760 by Baron Joachim Brockdorff. Since 1765 it has been owned by the crown, first used as naval academy and since 1828 as residence of various part of the royal family,… … Wikipedia

  • List of Danish royal residences — The Danish Royal Family inhabit a range of residences around Denmark. Historically all the residences of the royal family were privately owned. With the introduction of the new Constitution in 1849, some of the residences were claimed as property … Wikipedia

  • List of Danish monarchs — Queen of Denmark redirects here. For other uses, see Queen of Denmark (disambiguation). Royal Banner of the Kings of Denmark (circa 1300s) … Wikipedia

  • List of castles and palaces in Denmark — This is a consolidated list of castles and palaces in Denmark. The Danish word slot , like the word schloss in the related Germanic language modern German can mean either castle or palace, in accordance with common English usage. Whenever… … Wikipedia

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